I see the birth of democracy ….. the child of all conscience
I see the utterance of democracy …… the mother of all constitution
I see democracy propositioned ….. the marriage of all tolerance

In these changing and troubled times

I see democracy sagging it’s head
Balancing on this lonely thread of worn-out realities

I see democracy crying out in pain and in vain
Trapped in the growing maze of human definations

I see democracy sucked into the whirlpool of damnations
To vomit generations of exploiters
And the rape of humanity

I see with sadness in the hearts of hearts
Democracy sprawled by the wayside
Trying to embrace Truth
Frozen by the spectral chains of oppressions
And the dire lust for profits

I see with knotted feelings
Democracy simmering …… withering away
In the caresses of it’s sponsors
Who desperately cling to power
And the coloured symbols of arrogance

I see democracy faltering ….. dying
In the arms of it’s children and grandchildren
Yet they do not understand
Yet they dare not understand
The compassion …….. that sparks the souls

In the world where people hold supreme

I see with sheer reverence
Democracy nurtured with tender loving care
Ushered with self-discilpine
By those who cherish freedom

I see with sheer joy
Democracy moving freely …. serene to reality
Harnessing the vehicles of consciousness
Negating the era of exploitation

I see with total anticipation
Democracy intrinsically alive to the pulsating beings
So to glorify further ……. is to relish in redundancy

I see people in total participation
Democracy congealing into a mighty force
Portraying it’s spectral hues of unity against tyranny
The catalysts of today …… and the hopes of tomorrow
The essence of humanity ……… as one Universal Spirit

12 May 2001, PJ

29 Mei 2001

>>Arkib Sajak @ Puisi<<